DC/Cloud Operation/Support Engineer - GTC

CEO IT India, Bangalore, Karnataka Full Time Regular
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DC/Cloud Operation/Support Engineer - GTC Apply for this role

About this position


At Henkel, you can make a difference and craft your career. That’s why you own your projects and take full responsibility from an early stage. Our unique brands in markets around the world open up countless opportunities to follow your convictions and explore new paths. If you have an entrepreneurial mindset that allows you to always think out of the box-take the chance and shape the digital future together with us.


Supports day-to-day operation in operations for Infrastructure platform and its application basis e.g., VM and container lifecycle management

Maintains code base and applies it on and base infrastructure/cloud landing zone for Private and Public Cloud

* Support Financial Operations on operational capacity management (usage of existing resources)

* Willingness to work in global team setup to cater 24/7 demand


* Minimum 5+ years working with cloud platforms

* Extensive knowledge of Linux based systems including Hardware, software networking, and storage including deployment automation tools, such as Ansible

* Understanding in different Service Models (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS)

* Experience architecting cloud infrastructures on Cloud Platforms for small, medium scale and enterprise level applications including Certifications on Cloud Areas, including, Google Cloud or Azure. ·Linux/Windows, Application knowledge of Java, .Net, and IT security

* Cloud Native technologies are welcome (Powershell, AWS CF, AWS CDK or Azure ARM), Automating IaC in Azure Devops or Gitlab are preferred

* Strong experience in one or more programming languages/ frameworks (Python, C#, Java EE), Implementing cloud architectures in infrastructure-as-code (iaC) as well as automating.

Henkel is an equal opportunity employer. We look for a diverse team of individuals who possess different backgrounds, experiences, personalities and mindsets

JOB ID: req56922

Job Locations: India, Karnataka, Bangalore

Contact information for application-related questions: talent.acquisition@henkel.com

Please do not use this email address for sending your application or CV. To apply, please click on the "Apply for this role" button below. Applications sent via e-mail will not be accepted.

Application Deadline: As long as the vacancy is listed on our Career Site, we are happy to receive your application

Job-Center: If you have an application already, you can create or log in to your account here to check the status of your application. In case of new account creation, please use your email address that you applied with.

A Henkelről

Több mint 145 éves örökségünkre építve nap mint nap újragondoljuk és jobbá tesszük az életet. A mai és a jövő nemzedékei számára. Innovatív és fenntartható márkáink és technológiáink révén csapatainkon keresztül világszerte. A Henkel mind az ipari, mind a fogyasztói üzletágban vezető szerepet tölt be: Portfóliónkban jól ismert hajápolási termékek, mosószerek, öblítők, valamint ragasztók, tömítőanyagok és funkcionális bevonatok találhatók.

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